Over the years, we have produced many products. While we normally specialize
in ApplicationXtender Addons
and File and Image Conversion
products, we have had the need or desire to develop other products.
Below is a list of these other types of products.
Mentor Licensing Service |
Copy Checker |
The Image Mentor License Server is used
to control any concurrent licensing for Image Mentor products. |
This application will help you either
copy or move files from one location to another. Users can define
what files should be processed on things such as Filesize and File
Date. |
File Renamer |
File Restore Utility |
This application will allow you to take
a folder of images, and numerically rename them. |
Allows you to restore the native file
extensions to a collection of files, including your ApplicationXtender
BIN files. This includes the ability to remove most OLE file headers
that may be encountered. |
Redaction Utility |
Tag Checker |
Our Image Redaction Utility
will allow you to search for and redact personal or confidential
information from collections of images. Users can easily add in
a batch based file redaction process into existing workflow and
capture processes by allowing very flexible importing and exporting
ability. This includes custom index formats, and full VB.net scripting
support. |
This application will allow
you to open an image file and get most properties of it, including
Compression, Color Format, etc... You can also get a full listing
of any TIFF Image Tags stored in TIFF image files. |